How to Get Rid of Copperhead Snakes?

The sight of any snake in your backyard can cause massive disturbance in your home. Copperhead snakes are usually the most common types of snakes you will find in your yard. While they are not the most dangerous snakes in the world, copperheads are still venomous, meaning their bite produce toxin that can be dangerous.

While snakes tend to avoid human beings, they will attack you if they feel threatened. Startling or provoking a copperhead snake in any way is not advisable as it can strike. But don’t you worry; copperhead bites are not fatal, particularly if you can seek instance medical treatment.

In this article, we have shared an expert guide on how to get rid of copperhead snakes from your backyard using methods and products suggested by professional pest control experts. Follow this step-by-step guide to eliminating copperhead snakes from your yard.

Before we start, perhaps you should know that it is important to first identify if the snake in your yard is copperhead or not. If it is not, it means you will be using the wrong methods, which can be a waste of time and money.

Luckily for you, copperhead snakes are easy to identify and you will likely know when you see it at first thanks to their distinctive features.

But in case you are not sure, here are traits of copperhead snakes to look out for:

  • They usually range between 24 inches and 40 inches and have a distinctive triangular head.
  • They are light brown or tan with dark uneven bands spotted on their bodies.
  • Copperhead snakes are known carnivores and thus will usually prey on rats and mice as well as frogs, small birds, and insects.
  • They have venomous bites that are rarely fatal.

Getting ready to eliminate copperhead snakes.
You need to first confirm that you have a copperhead snake in your backyard before proceeding.
Map out the area where the copperhead frequent so you understand the areas to work on.

Where to search

Copperhead snakes tend to live and thrive in a wide range of habitats, such as tall grass and woody areas. With that in mind, you can find them in your garden mostly or along the outer wall of your home.

What to inspect

We know we are looking for a copperhead snake, but sometimes all you need is a sign that the snake lives in your yard. The first sign is snakeskins from all the skin shedding, but you should also be looking for snake holes, tracks from slithering, and snake droppings.

How to Get Rid of Copperhead Snakes in Your Yard

Step #1: Eliminate Food Sources

Eliminate Food Sources

One of the reasons copperhead snakes will find your yard a favorable habitat is the presence of food for them to survive on.

So if you find these snakes in your home, it is likely that there is a source of food nearby and thus you want to first get rid of the food source the snake thrives on.
Remove small rodents like rats and mice as well as small insects, birds, and lizards.
Use regular rodent control measures to eliminate mice and rats. However, ensure whichever method you choose is out of reach of children.

Also, when dealing with baits for eliminating rodents and other food sources for copperhead snakes, make sure to wear protective gear such as gloves and a mouth mask.

Place your traps along fencerows or perimeter walls since these are areas where mice and rats like to pass by.

Step #2: Apply Insecticide

Apply Insecticide

Apply insecticides to kill insects that copperhead snakes eat. Just spray your entire compound and garden rather than just a small area.

Remember to also spray the perimeter of your house walls to prevent insects from coming inside. Spray around windows and doors as well as around the house foundation and any other possible entry points.

Step #3: Seal Out the Entry Points

Seal out the entry points

Another important step to observe is closing all the entry points to the house including holes in your garage, basement, and walls using a sealant and a sealing gun to prevent the snake from sneaking into your house.

Get rid of any foreign objects in your garden, yard, and house as well as piles of stones, and ensuring tall grass is cut.
Raise woodpile and lumber at least 18” from the floor to eliminate the areas where the copperhead snake could sneak in.

Step #4: Get Rid of the Snake

snake repellent

Once you have removed the snake’s food sources and its beloved habitat, getting rid of the snake is pretty simple.
Make sure the grass in your lawn is extremely low so that the snake does not have a place to hide. You can use snake repellent to chase away the snake or you can kill it.
The best way is to chase it away using snake repellent.

There are plenty of products in the market you can use for this purpose, which rather than killing the snake, will just aggravate it with a blend of organic ingredients, which disturb its sense of smell and force it to relocate to another spot.
First, you want to establish the size of your lawn, as this will help you know how to use the snake repellent.

Once you have determined the size of your compound, sprinkle out the repellent in a band of six to eight inches wide around, next to, or into the area you want to protect.
You can also apply the repellent into holes, cracks, and voids around your house as well as your sheds, garage, and any other areas you feel the snake may travel.
When you dispense snake repellent all over your compound, you create conditions that are unpleasant for the snake to thrive.

The snake will relocate to another area and new ones will be reluctant to stay in grass-covered by repellent.
Alternatively, you can catch the snake without using repellent and set it free in a land far away. Or you can call professionals wildlife officers to come and take the snake.

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