If you are passionate about writing on home improvement, home decor, gardening, lawn, and patio, kitchen, we are here to always welcome you to write for us. We always appreciate guest author publishing their article on our website.
Who are we?
Living Axil is basically a home and living-related blog website. We always try to publish high-quality articles on home improvement, home decor, gardening, lawn, and patio, kitchen for our audience to improve their daily life. If you are a creative writer and want to share your knowledge and skill as a guest author, it is the greatest platform for you.
Guest Posting Guidelines
When you are writing an article as a Guest author, you need to make sure that you are following guest posting guidelines. There are no hard and fast rules for guest posting. You need to follow some basic things that you do when writing articles.
How to write SEO-friendly guest posts on home improvement, home decor, and kitchen?
If you don’t follow guest posting guidelines for writing SEO-friendly guest posts, webmasters might reject publishing your articles on their websites. You should follow these guidelines to get published on guest posting websites as well as ours:
What you shouldn’t do when writing guest posts on home improvement, home decor, and kitchen
How to find guest posting websites on Home Improvement, Home Decoration, and Kitchen?
You can easily find websites that accept guest posts. There are some special search techniques that you can use. First, go to Google.com and search using quoted text with quote + keywords. For example, “write for us” + home improvement.

You can search easily using the following techniques:
- “write for us” + Home Improvement
- “write for us” + Home Decor
- “write for us” + Kitchen
- “submit a guest post” + Home Improvement
- “submit a guest post” + Home Decor
- “submit a guest post” + Kitchen
- “guest blog” + Home Improvement
- “guest blog” + Home Decor
- “guest post” + Kitchen
- “contribute to our blog” + Home
- “contribute to our blog” + Home Improvement
- “contribute to our blog” + Home Decor
- “submit an article” + Home Improvement
- “contribute guest post” + Home Improvement
- “guest blogging guidelines” + Home Improvement
- “become a guest blogger” + Home Improvement
- “contributor guidelines” + Home Improvement
- “send a tip”
- “guest post by” + Home Improvement
- “guest author” + Home Improvement
Guest posting categories we cover
We cover almost all categories on Home, Home Improvement, Home Decoration, Lawn and Patio, Graden, Kitchen, and Cooking. If you have any confusion, you should contact us with the topics.
How to proceed to publish a guest article?
Complete the form below with the subject line “Guest Posting” and contact us or send a mail to jjparcy [a]gmail.com, and we will contact you asap.
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