Do LED Strip Lights Use A Lot Of Electricity?

When it comes to lighting solutions, the first option of modern times that pops up to mind is installing LED strip lights.

Admit it!

From versatility of functions to superb reliability, the popularity of LEDs literally spreads like fire.

And frankly………… Modern LED strip lights are simple to use and pretty affordable, and convenient to use.

Ok, I know what you’re thinking- What about electricity?

Do LED strip lights use a lot of electricity?

Comparing it with other light bulbs (such as incandescent halogen), LEDs consume 90 and 70 percent less electricity than these bulbs. In contrast, LED strips emit light in a specific direction without any diffusers or reflectors which keep the electricity(& watts) bill lower.

So how much power does an LED Strip light need for proper functioning?

Well, actually the amount of power an LED strip light uses depends on many factors, such –

  • The strength of its chip
  • The strip
  • Density of the strip

But here is the main twist:

The number of chips used in LEDs also depends on the strip density and length. That’s not all; it also affects the amount of power that an LED will use.
Get it?

I guess now you can calculate the power usage of an LED strip by calculating its length and density.

What does the Density of LED Light mean?

The Density of an LED is essential to consider knowing the amount of power needed for a chip on the strip to produce light. Three common LED densities for lighting strips are 30, 60, and 120 LEDs per meter.

It is not just essential to know the power consumption by an LED……. but also to know the quality of light.

Keep in mind:

Density is a crucial point to consider for consistent light emission; if there are low-density LEDs, the light will appear uneven.

But why are High-density LED strips so pricey?

……….Because they provide high-quality light-producing chips.
On average, a suitable quality LEDs strip is 120 LEDs per meter and ensures high-quality, consistent light.

Why are LEDs different from other lighting bulbs?

If we compare the LEDs with incandescent or halogen bulbs, there are actually tons of differences. Let me show you some significant differences between LEDs and other types of lighting options.

1. Source of light

LEDs come with different light sources. Furthermore, the size is hard of a speck of pepper that can emit light in different colors ranges such as blue, green, and red to make it white light.

On the other hand………..

Traditional bulbs generate monochrome lights that show a negative impact on your eyes. Thus, LEDs are much safer to keep your eyes healthy.

2. Heat production

When comparing the wastage of heat by different lighting options, LEDs release only 10 percent of energy as heat. In contrast, the CFLs and incandescent bulbs release 80 and 90 percent of energy as heat, respectively. So for that reason, they need 8 or 9 times more power for producing the same light as LED.

What does this mean to you?

You can easily use LED lights anywhere without worrying about their effect on temperature. But when using other bulbs, they may benefit in a cold environment, but in summer, they make it hard to live under their lights.

3. Lifespan

LED lights have more lifespan as compared to CFLs and incandescent bulbs. At the same time, LED lights have an average lifespan of between 2000 to 7000 hours. But CFL offers 3 times as much, and incandescent bulbs have five times less time than LEDs.

let me tell you the reason:

LED produces significantly less heat that making it possible to remain in use for a longer time. As other traditional bulbs generate heat to produce light, temperature ranges above 4000 affect the different parts of the bulbs and make them unusable after a few months.

4. Light directions

Light emits by LEDs in a specific direction that requires fewer diffusers and reflectors for light trapping, so they need less power than other lighting options.

In comparison, incandescent and CFL bulbs emit light in a different spectrum that requires more energy.

Incandescent bulbs need an inside temperature of up to 2500 degrees centigrade to provide enough heat to filament to produce light. In contrast, LED strips work between 20 to 40 degrees centigrade and need low power to generate that heat.

How much power are LED strips to use actually? And Do LED strip lights raise electric bill?

As I mentioned earlier…….

The power usage of an LED strip is calculated based on its thickness and length. Here is a chart that may help you calculate the measurement on your own.

@0-15W/LED Chip30 LED/meter60 LED/meter120 LED/meter
5 M (~16-5 feet)22,5W45W90W
10 M (~33 feet)45W90W180W
15 M (~49 feet)67,5W135W270W
20 M (~65,5 feet)90W180W360W
(W/m)4,5 W/m9 W/m18 W/m

Usually, a 0,15W LED chip that is one of the higher and brighter options to choose. Normally you may not find LED strips more than 5 to 10 meters.

But here is the golden rule of brightness:

LED chips for 0, 15 W produce light up to 800 lumen/meter, and for 0, 06 W produce light up to 500 lumen/meter.

For the home users, 0, 15 W chip is a better option to choose.


I repeat……
Never choose the higher specification that is well suited for commercial purposes to use them at a large scale.

You may see some variations depending on the variations in LED surrounding temperature, and quality but it will help you to know close to the real need of power for an LED.

Are strip lights expensive to run?

Quite the opposite, It needs significantly less energy and will save your lighting bill up to 70 to 80 percent. You can save thousands of dollars each month by placing LED strip lights in commercial places.

Why LED strips consume less electricity than CFLs (& other bulbs)?


CFL uses heated filaments, and halogen bulbs use gas that needs more energy for emitting light. But LEDs use diodes that are very efficient and require only 40-80 lumens per watt.

CFL Bulbs provide glow by burning a tungsten filament that needs a lot of energy to generate heat first and then start glowing. So for that reason, most of the provided energy waste in developing heating for lighting the filaments.

But here is the deal:

But the modern LED strips need significantly less power than those traditional due to their efficient light-producing mechanism. High-quality diodes do not produce heat and need 8 or 9 times less energy to make light.

So you will not just produce enough light but also save a lot in your energy bills by installing LED strip lights rather than installing CFL or incandescent light bulbs.

Let’s compare with a standard 75-watt bulb of both CFLs & LEDs:


See the difference? These will eventually result in fewer greenhouse gases & electricity bills.

Here is another point of view-Why Are LED Strip lights safe to use than CFLs?

As LEDs hardly produce heat up to 50 degrees centigrade, and they also need less energy, so there is no risk of a shortfall or burning. So LED strips are safer to use than traditional lighting options.

Will LED strips make my room hot?

LED strip lights do not produce much heat because they do not need much energy to produce light. Because Led strip lights come with diodes options that are very efficient. Diodes can create light by generating heat between 20 to 60 degrees centigrade.

The inside temperature of an LED strip does not increase more than 60-degree centigrade, which does not impact the outside environment.

But other lighting options such as CFLs and incandescent generate heat up to 4600 degrees centigrade that can warm up your room. But LED strips do not make your room hot.

Should I provide cooling to my LED strip lights?

There is a mechanism in the high-quality LED strip lights that keeps their inside temperature maintained, but better care can increase their lifespan.

In a Nutshell………..

Modern LED strip lights are not only trendy, but it saves your electricity lighting bills up to 70 percent or more due to their efficient mechanism for producing light.

So no matter whether it’s your home or commercial place, these bulbs could be an awesome addition to save a lot on your electric bills.

So don’t overthink too much- GET them to install in your required areas to enjoy its benefits.

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